
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Easy Trash Bag for your Car Tutorial

 About a month ago, my loving wonderful husband bought me a new car.  Being a little OCD I have been paranoid about any little speck of dirt in it.  Trying to keep it in its beautiful new state, I decided to make a little trash bag for it and share how I did it.
 Materials needed
5 leftover Jelly roll strips
1/4 yd. of oilcloth
****ignore the velcro tabs in the middle of the pic.  I scrapped that idea and just made a loop for the handle.
 Sew 4 of your jellyroll strips together.  I just took a normal size strip and cut it in half.  You don't need the whole WOF that it comes in.
 Press your seams and trim so that you have 2 pieces that are 8.25" x 10.5".
 Sew the 5th strip together along the length of the strip.  Sew with right sides together.
 Turn it right side out and press.  I ran out to my car at this point and measured how long I needed the loop to be.  Mine was 16.5".  Adjust to the length you need.
 Loop the handle around and pin it to one of your exterior pieces.  Secure in place by stitching.
 Cut 2 pieces of oilcloth.  You will need them to measure 8.25" x 10.5"
 Sew both of the exterior pieces with right sides together around the sides and bottom of the bag.  Do the same for the interior pieces.  After stitching trim the bottom corners to an angle.  Just makes things prettier when you turn them right side out.
 Turn the exterior piece so it is right side out.
 Place the exterior piece inside of the interior piece.  The right sides will be together.  I like to match up and pin my side seams together so everything lines up well.  Remember when you are stitching the pieces together across the top to leave yourself about a 2.5" opening to turn the bag right side out.
 This is what you should have.
 Turn the bag right side out through the opening you left.
 Now...CAREFULLY press the top edge.  You don't want to touch the oilcloth with your turns ugly really quickly!!
Top Stitch the top of the bag.
Wasn't that easy?  It took me about 20 minutes to make this one!!!  Happy Sewing.  I would love to see the ones that you make.  Post them to my FACEBOOK page.
Have a FANTASTIC day!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

An unVera Bradley bag...

Good Morning!!!  I can't believe it has been almost a week since I have posted.  Wow, time flies when you are having fun.  This week I have been busy making wallets for my Etsy shop.  I also had a friend ask me if I would make a bag for her that was like a Vera Bradley bag that she had.  Her complaint was that it just wasn't big enough.  So she bought the fabric and I went to work.

Here is the original bag.

Fabric she bought

Starting to look like something

The finished unVera Bradley bag!!

She was really excited with the finished project.  What do you think?  
Have a FANTASTIC day!!!

The Style Sisters Centerpiece Weds!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Checking in Tuesday...

*there is a gaping hole in my vinyl...I might have hit it with the iron when I was putting the zipper

So...out of the need to be able to run into the store without having to carry my huge purse in with me...I decided to make this cell phone wristlet.  I don't know about you but I was getting tired trying to carry cell phone, money, and keys all separately.  

 I even threw in some pockets to put my cards in an organized fashion inside.

 How about a little coin pouch just to make sure there is enough storage in this little beauty.

My stepdaughter is in town from college this week.  She asked me to make her one.  She loves owls.  She used instagram and make this cute collage of the wristlet I made her.

 I went through my scraps and threw some different fabrics together to whip some more of these up.

Here is the back.  I love how girly the pink gingham looks.  Well, that is what I did yesterday.  What have you been up to?  What do you think of the wristlet?  I would love to hear your feedback.
Have a FANTASTIC day!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Busy Week...

It is going to be a crazy busy week.  I have several of my projects lined up and ready to be cut.  I would love for you to check back everyday and see what I will be making.  

Have a FANTASTIC day!!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Sunset over Texoma

Good Morning...
I wanted to share with everyone the beautiful sunset we watched last night.  We were waiting for it to get dark for a fire works my opinion, nature out did man on this firework show.

 Have a FANTASTIC day!!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Easy Coin Pouch Tutorial

This is a fun little coin pouch you can whip up in no time.  Just pick out some scraps from your stash and stitch away.  This is also easy to use with charm packs.


2 different fabrics
Fusible Fleece
1” D-Ring
Zipper—size doesn’t matter, we will cut it down to size
Button—I like to make my own, any button will work
Ribbon to tie to zipper as a pull.
(2) 5”x5” squares from exterior fabric
(2) 5”X5” squares from interior fabric
(2) 5’x5” squares from fusible fleece
(1) 2.5”x 3” for the D-Ring tab
(6) 1’x2.5” for flower petals
 Take the 6 pieces for the the flower.

 Set your machine to the longest stitch.  DO NOT BACKSTITCH.  Fold pieces in half and sew a ¼” from the raw edge in one long piece.

 Pull on one of the strings to gather the pieces so they look like petals.  Tie the ends together.

 Fuse the fleece to the wrong side of the exterior pieces.

 Mark the center of one of the exterior pieces. 

 Center the flower over the mark.  I usually use fabric glue…you can easily just do a basting stitch to secure the flower.

 Sew the button on.

 Fold the D-Ring tab in half right sides together and sew ¼” from the raw edge.

 Turn right side out and press.

 Place on D-Ring and stitch.

 Place the D-Ring about and inch from the top of your exterior piece that has the flower.  Stitch in place. 

 Trim any excess.
 Lay your exterior piece on top of one of the interior pieces.  Make sure wrong sides are together.  Line up all edges.

 Lay the zipper on top.  The pull of the zipper should be laying against the exterior fabric…basically, right sides together.

 Using a zipper foot, sew the zipper to the fabric sewing through all layers.

 Fold the zipper back.

 Take the remaining exterior and interior pieces.  Layer them together like you did in the previous step.  Lay them on top of the zipper.  Your exterior pieces should be facing each other.  Stitch in place.

 Iron like so.

 Top Stitch along the zipper.

 Cut ¾” squares out of each of the corners.

 Open the zipper.  Very Important.  If you don’t open the zipper you will not be able to turn the bag right side out.

 Fold the bag in half and match up all sides.

 Using a zig zag stitch, sew up the sides.  Do not sew the corners yet.

 Squish your corners so that you have a straight edge and stitch that edge.

 This is what you should have.

 This is what you should have.


I would love to hear what you think of this tutorial!!