
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Etsy Sunday Morning--Boat

Good Morning...Is everyone having a wonderful weekend?  We are.  We have decided to wrap up this weekend by spending the afternoon boating around the lake.  I decided to use our trip as a theme for today's Etsy Sunday Morning.  So, here are a few items I really like on Etsy with a boat theme.
This is so precious.  I might have to get a couple of these for my sisters.

Yeah...this would be perfect for our dog, Shadow!!!
Oh!!! The fabric lover in me is screaming "BUY IT NOW!!!"

Does anything else really need to be said?

I hope you all have a FANTASTIC day!!!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Scent your Shipping supplies

I am weird...I like things to smell good.  When I started getting things together for Stitching in the Trees I had a bunch of tissue paper left over from birthdays.  I had stored them in a closet with our camping stuff.  Needless to say...the paper had absorbed an outdoors smell.  So, not wanting to waste money, I came up with this idea.
 What you need:  Tissue paper, fabric softener sheets, recycled baby wipe container, printer paper, a bag to hold paper.
 Place a fabric softener sheet in the bottom of the baby wipe container.
 Fold your tissue paper so that it will fit nicely in the container.
 Close the top and slightly pull out the first sheet of tissue paper.
 Now take a sack or anything that will fit your printer paper.  Place a fabric softener sheet  on top of paper and place it all in the bag.
Wrap it up.
Now your tissue paper and invoices will smell wonderful when your customers open their purchase.

Have a FANTASTIC day!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Keeping it Real---Pattern Design

Follow my blog with Bloglovin This week I decided to bite the bullet and write my own pattern.  It was interesting but also very time consuming.  Things also got a little messy because I was so focused on it.
 My little one snuck up when I wasn't looking and decided to start taking pictures.
 The beginning of the mess.
 I heard a crash, turned around and saw this.  I think someone was a little frustrated that mommy was so preoccupied.
 Getting deeper into the pattern.
Here is my finished bag...I have to say, I can usually make these bags in about 3 hours.  After working almost 10 hours because of pictures and writing down all the steps I was beat.

Does anyone else feel really stressed out when they are writing patterns?  I would love to hear how you make it through the process.

Check out my pattern and tell me what you think

Have a FANTASTIC day!!!
Linking with...


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Field Trip--Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge

Yesterday my little one and I went on an impromptu field trip with my parents to 

 This refuge is located on the south side of Lake Texoma near Pottsboro, TX.  I have lived in the Texoma area for about 20 years now.  I honestly had never had any interest in seeing the refuge.  This was a mistake on my part.  This a beautiful refuge and has many activities for the whole family.  You can drive around, hike on trails, use blinds to take pictures of the beautiful wildlife you can also take your boat and enjoy the refuge from the water.

Here are some pictures from our day...

As we first entered the refuge, this lovely guy greeted us.

The visitors center has been newly renovated and offers fun activities for kids.

View from the visitors center overlooking the refuge

My mom is a Master Gardener.  She and her group help maintain this lovely flower bed full of native plants....HI! MOM!

This fella was very busy looking for his lunch

I loved how the second one was drying his wings.

A beautiful lily pad flower.

He was just hanging out in this tree watching everyone drive by.

If you are in the Texoma area, I recommend visiting here.  All activities are free.  The park is run from donations.  Thank you for indulging me.  I hope you enjoyed our field trip.

Have a FANTASTIC day!!!

Monday, June 24, 2013

I need your opinion!!!

Good Morning to you.  I hope you have all woken up to a beautiful sun drenched morning like we have here in Southeast Oklahoma.  

Our little hummingbirds are busy getting their first cup of "coffee." 

Our family protector, Shadow, had had his morning rolling the grass.
(this is an old pic of him but you get the reason i just had to show you how precious he is...hehe)

It looks like it is going to be a BEAUTIFUL day.

Now on to why I need your opinion.  I am thinking about writing a pattern for my Convertible Weekender Bag.
This is a super easy design.

You unhook the clasps on the sides and the bag gets larger so you can add more items to it.

It even has extra pockets inside to help keep you organized.

So that is my question...Would you like to see this design put into pattern form?

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a FANTASTIC day today!!

Linking with...

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Etsy Sunday Morning

Good Morning.  I am sitting here sipping my second cup of coffee trying to think of what I would like to talk about.  I was checking out my shop on Etsy and began thinking that I really didn't want to do a lot of work today.  hehe.  Didn't God tell us to rest on the 7th day?  Well I have been working like crazy for the past week trying to build and grow the blog.  So today I rest.  I have decided to use Sunday as a day to feature shops I love on Etsy.  Each week I will pick a theme.  This week it is zippy pouches. Sit back and enjoy the pretties...

This cute little bag is from DoDo Designs.  I love that you can just wipe it down and it is clean!!!

I am a huge fan of boxy bags.  I especially love the combination of chevron stripes and polka dots.  This cutie comes fromSandyBeeDesigns

I am a fan of anyone who can create these pouches.  I have tried and FAILED many times.  She has so many cute coin pouches.  Check her out at Mimi's Crafts

I hope you stop by all these beautiful shops and browse and buy.

Off to much for RESTING!