
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Field Trip--Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge

Yesterday my little one and I went on an impromptu field trip with my parents to 

 This refuge is located on the south side of Lake Texoma near Pottsboro, TX.  I have lived in the Texoma area for about 20 years now.  I honestly had never had any interest in seeing the refuge.  This was a mistake on my part.  This a beautiful refuge and has many activities for the whole family.  You can drive around, hike on trails, use blinds to take pictures of the beautiful wildlife you can also take your boat and enjoy the refuge from the water.

Here are some pictures from our day...

As we first entered the refuge, this lovely guy greeted us.

The visitors center has been newly renovated and offers fun activities for kids.

View from the visitors center overlooking the refuge

My mom is a Master Gardener.  She and her group help maintain this lovely flower bed full of native plants....HI! MOM!

This fella was very busy looking for his lunch

I loved how the second one was drying his wings.

A beautiful lily pad flower.

He was just hanging out in this tree watching everyone drive by.

If you are in the Texoma area, I recommend visiting here.  All activities are free.  The park is run from donations.  Thank you for indulging me.  I hope you enjoyed our field trip.

Have a FANTASTIC day!!!

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