
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Etsy Sunday Morning

Good Morning.  I am sitting here sipping my second cup of coffee trying to think of what I would like to talk about.  I was checking out my shop on Etsy and began thinking that I really didn't want to do a lot of work today.  hehe.  Didn't God tell us to rest on the 7th day?  Well I have been working like crazy for the past week trying to build and grow the blog.  So today I rest.  I have decided to use Sunday as a day to feature shops I love on Etsy.  Each week I will pick a theme.  This week it is zippy pouches. Sit back and enjoy the pretties...

This cute little bag is from DoDo Designs.  I love that you can just wipe it down and it is clean!!!

I am a huge fan of boxy bags.  I especially love the combination of chevron stripes and polka dots.  This cutie comes fromSandyBeeDesigns

I am a fan of anyone who can create these pouches.  I have tried and FAILED many times.  She has so many cute coin pouches.  Check her out at Mimi's Crafts

I hope you stop by all these beautiful shops and browse and buy.

Off to much for RESTING!